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Icon of Cyprian |
St. Cyprian was born to a prominent Roman family in Carthage
and for his first 50 years lived what most of us would consider a “charmed
life.” His father was a well-known
senator and his position afforded Cyprian with the best this world had to offer
in terms of education, material goods, and opportunity. In his early adulthood Cyprian became a teacher
of law and rhetoric (a path to politics and/or public acclaim). His teaching was in high demand and soon
Cyprian was a wealthy man with his own household in Carthage and Roman Villa in
the countryside.
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Carthage rivaled Rome for sophistication and power |
But like many of us in middle-age, Cyprian went through a
period of soul-searching and disenchantment with the world around him. Roman society was never secular but it’s
religious foundation lay in the idolatry of the Greeks and Cyprian found this
to be trite and full of falsehood. He
had questions about the meaning of life and they were not answered by a
pantheon of gods he didn’t believe to be true.
As people begin to search for God it is not uncommon for God to send
someone out to find them. In Cyprian’s
case it was an elder in the Christian church of Carthage by the name of
Caecillius who shared the good news of Jesus with him and after his conversion
served as his instructor as he prepared for baptism.
Cyprian was baptized in the year 246 AD when he was
approximately 50 years old. In gratitude
for his instruction and leadership, Cyprian took as his middle name
“Caecillius” to honor his spiritual father. Cyprian was an earnest
convert. By his own testimony he felt
his heart was renewed and his life had meaning and purpose. Having an intellectual gift, he gave himself
earnestly to Christian studies reading the Bible and early theologians in a
dedicated fashion. Soon he also divested
himself of some of his land and wealth
and gave it all to the poor as a means of worship.
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An ancient baptismal near present day Carthage |
According to Acts 17:26, God determines the time and place
of our existence. We are rightly men and
women of our times at the behest of God and thus we have a part in the specific
history and destiny of where we live.
Even as Cyprian was growing towards maturity in his new found faith, he
had no idea the challenges he would face and the burdens he would bear through
the remaining years of his life.
In 248 AD the beloved bishop of the people of Carthage dies.
As the Christian community considers a
successor the name of Cyprian is on everyone’s mind. There was something quite natural about their
selection in that Cyprian was
well-known, was well-educated, and from a family that was widely respected and
proven leaders. But there was equally
something unnatural about this as well.
St. Paul’s Epistle to Timothy clearly states that an elder or bishop
should not be a new convert lest they become swollen with pride and become the
prey of the devil (I Tim. 3:16). As a
man with a commanding knowledge of the scriptures, Cyprian knew this and
rejected the intentions of the congregation.
Unfortunately for Cyprian, the Church rejected his rejection and
literally forced upon him the mantle of being their bishop. Although his election was resented by some in
church leadership who questioned mere popularity as a qualification for bishop,
God used Cyprian in a mighty way and his viewpoints were to have a future
impress on the entire church for generations to come.
To understand the context of Cyprian’s teachings and
ministry you need to be aware that his ministry started with the Decian
persecution for the first two years of it, continued with controversy in the
aftermath of the persecution and then ended with the Valerian persecution
(257-260) of which Cyprian was one of its casualties. The Decian persecution was very harsh on the
church and was very effective in terms of driving many nominal Christians to
apostasize. Cyprian had observed that
the years of prosperity and ease that preceded the persecution had caused the
discipline and morals of the church to become quite lax. Cyprian had only started to enforce stricter
discipline when the persecution broke out.
Cyprian viewed the persecution as a divine cleansing of the church which
led him to set strict standards by which those who came back to the church
would be restored to fellowship.
Read more on the later Donatist Controversy in North Africa
Read more on the later Donatist Controversy in North Africa
But Cyprian was destined for controversy because during the
persecution, he, the bishop of the city, went into hiding. Cyprian defended his position as thoroughly
biblical: “Our Lord commanded us in times of persecution to yield and fly. He taught this and practiced it himself.
For since the martyr’s crown comes by the grace of God, it cannot be
gained before the appointed hour. He who
retires for a time and remains true to Christ, does not deny his faith, but
only abides his time”. Though very much
criticized for his pattern of hiding and avoiding arrest during persecutions,
Cyprian’s extant writings show that he was actively leading his people. He instructed all to not offer themselves up,
but if caught not to cave-in and apostasize but stand faithful in the face of
persecution and torture.
In the wake of this persecution, Cyprian was faced with the issue of dealing
with those who failed to stand and yet wanted to be re-admitted to the
church. He believed their failure to
stand in persecution sundered their bonds with Christ and the church. Although Cyprian didn’t originate the idea of
penance, this idea certainly crystallized in his times. If the community of the faithful was going to
remain truly that, grievous failure (such as apostasy) and the desire to be
restored to the church needed an orderly connection.
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Cyprian was committed to theology and the scripture |
In truth, Cyprian dealt with this quite circumspectly. Some had been faithful in their confession
but had been tortured severely and had a momentary break in their loyalty. Others had used money to buy off the
authorities. And still others, even lay
leaders, gave up without a fight. He
recognized that there were degrees of failure and made allowances for human
frailty. It seems that his strongest
policy was directed towards those who willingly cooperated with the Roman
In this case if you were penitent you may attend a sermon or
church gathering but you will be deprived of the sacraments until you are on
your deathbed or so sick that death might be imminent.
Cyprian also advocated an alternative if you
felt your soul was in peril. The alternative was to offer yourself in
martyrdom during another persecution.
This offering of your lifeblood was believed efficacious in cancelling
out your previous betrayal of Christ by undergoing a second baptism. In Luke 12:50 Jesus referred to his going to
the cross as “a baptism” and so it was implied that this was a baptism in
blood. Others were critical of this and cited a tradition that a Christian who
had been faithful in a persecution and didn’t die could and did have the right
to forgive and restore the lapsed.
Cyprian’s view may seem stern but in fact was a ‘golden-mean’. Novatus, a priest in Carthage who set himself
up in Cyprian’s place when he went into hiding the first time, readmitted
everyone who had lapsed without any question of their motives or circumstance. On the other hand, the Pope in Rome had taken
the view (at least for a short period) that never under any circumstance could
a lapsed Christian return to the church.
Watch a short 2 minute video on Cyprian and Pope Cornelius
Watch a short 2 minute video on Cyprian and Pope Cornelius
Penance was considered a medicine for the soul. It allowed a person to demonstrate over time
their sorrow for their sin and eventually be received back into the church as a
full member. It allowed for grace and
forgiveness but also restoration and discipline in the community of the
faithful. It may seem that the church
forgot the fact that Jesus took back Peter after Peter denied him on the night
of his betrayal and arrest (Mt. 26:75) and that Christ is our advocate and
mediator before the Father when we sin (I John 2:1). From my own perspective it seems withholding
the benefits of the sacraments from a sorrowful believer is a denial of grace,
but the modern viewpoint tends to cheapen grace by extending it often at the
sacrifice of all church discipline. I
would also suggest that today’s evangelicals do actually have a form of penance
in their ranks. Witness the complete
predictability of what happens when a high-profile minister is caught having
committed a grievous sin. Although the
names and sins vary, their elders uniformly send the pastor and his spouse away
to a counseling center for 10 weeks and then they return with several
accountability advisors and then they are officially restored. The ancients were seeking the same end in the
absence of a therapeutic culture.
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Cyprian in bishop's clothing |
But far beyond his policies regarding lapsed Christians,
Cyprian’s impress on the office of the bishop and the role of the church came
to be the dominant view of Christendom and centuries later contributed to the
development of the Roman papacy. Cyprian
held a high view of his office as a bishop.
In his day, the bishop was the leader of a church in a particular area
(such as a city) and governed the life of the church in its worship and
discipline. Other ministers of
congregations were his deputies and served under his authority. His view was that “Bishop is in the church,
and the church is in the Bishop and outside of the church there is no
salvation”. What Cyprian was doing was
pointing to the reality, much more clearly known in his day, that bishops
either succeeded or were connected in their succession to the original apostles
of Christ. Lists were kept and
maintained because it was believed this would maintain and conserve the truth
and apostolic foundations of the true church (as opposed to any heretical or
schismatic churches). Being connected
with a true bishop in church membership and the receiving of the sacraments
ensured that one had believed in the true gospel and was rightly connected into
the body of Christ. Apostolic succession
and the inheritance of the churches knowledge and experience is important to
all Christians. For Protestant
Christians the inheritance of the faith is found in the Apostolic writings (The
New Testament) alone. For Eastern
Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism the inheritance of the faith comes the
scriptures but also the long and unbroken chain of bishops from the ancient
times to the present.
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Bishops met in councils to discuss problems and theology |
Cyprian, like others in his day, also believed that the
bishop of one church was the equal to all other bishops in the world. He believed in praying for other bishops and
also to gather with them to discuss and make judgments on matters of faith and
teaching. The practice of councils was
in place and the practice of the North African churches prior to Constantine
and Nicea although it is marked as the first world council. One should also note that Cyprian, strong as
he was on the importance of the bishop, believed in collegiality. The concept of the Roman Papacy having
primacy over all the bishops of the church would have been utterly contrary to
his thought on this office despite the fact that his thinking was adopted to
support it.
The Valerian persecution (257-260 AD) was more fierce and
more torturous than many of the other persecutions. Empire wide, it was directed specifically to
Church leadership, members of the senate, military and aristocracy that were
Christians. Valerian sent a letter to
the pro-consul of Carthage naming Cyprian as one he wanted targeted for death.
In 257 he was demanded to sacrifice to the god Jupiter by
the local pro-consul. Cyprian refused
and found himself banished from Carthage.
He continued to write and teach his church from a distance at his
country estate in Utique. But the next year a death sentence was handed down
and Cyprian was to report to the proconsul there for it to be carried out. When he was officially summoned to the
magistrate, Cyprian fled Utique and went back to Carthage. There and there only
would Cyprian present himself to bear witness and seal his testimony, for it
was Carthage and not Utique that Cyprian was the chief bishop.
Great resource landing page for further study of St. Cyprian here
Great resource landing page for further study of St. Cyprian here
Cyprian writes “For whatever the bishop as confessor says at
the moment of his confession he speaks, under the inspiration of God, as the
mouth of them all (meaning the Christian
community of Carthage). On Sept. 14, 258 AD
Cyprian was taken outside the city where he gave the executioner 25 gold
pieces (to do his job well), stripped off his outer garments, prayed, and then
kneeled to receive the sword.He was buried on the spot and church was built over his
grave. Unfortunately the later invasion
of the Vandals ended up causing the church to be demolished.
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Beheading of Cyprian in church frescoe |
Cyprian truly had no view of the visible and invisible
church. For him, all Christian life was
directly related to your external connection to the visible church. His most well-known words must be understood
in that context: “He cannot have God as
his father who does not have the church as their mother.” “Outside the church there is no
salvation.” To be outside the church is
to be outside the ark of God’s provision drowning in the flood. In a time when church membership is minimized
in its importance and is seen as contributing nothing to a person’s salvation,
Cyprian seems hard to understand. But
his passion was that Christians be connected to Jesus and that connection was
made from within the body of Christ which was a very visible presence in his
Born to New Life :
Cyprian of Carthage. Oliver Davies
Ed. (New Rochelle : New City Press,
Cyprian of Carthage. On the Church. Allen Brent, trans. (Crestwood : St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press,
Chadwick, Harold J. and John Foxe. The New
Foxes’s Book of Martyrs. (New
Brunswick : Bridge-Logos Publishing,
“Cyprian” Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and
Ecclesiastical Knowledge. McClintock
and Strong Eds. (Grand Rapids : Baker
Book House, 1981)
“Cyprian” New Dictionary of Theology. Ferguson, Wright, and Packer Eds. ( Downers Grove : Intervarsity Press, 1988)
The Oxford History of
Christianity. John McManners
Ed. (Oxford : Oxford University Press,
Latourette, Kenneth Scott
The History of Christianity Vol.
1. Rev. Ed. (New York : Harper and
Row, 1975)
Saint of the Day: Lives, Lessons, and Feasts. Leonard Foley O.F.M. Ed., Pat McCloskey
O.F.M. Rev. (Cincinnati : St. Anthony
Messenger Press, 2001)
Schaff, Philip. History of the Christian Church Vol. II:
Ante-Nicene Christianity AD 100-325. (Grand
Rapids : Eerdmans Publishing, 1910)
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